Customer Support

Getting Help Online

To find the instruction manual for your product, simply visit our Instruction Books Page.

Getting Live Assistance
For live assistance in the USA
Call: 1.800.466.3342
Monday to Friday 8:30am-7pm ET

Finding Replacement Parts

To find replacement parts for your product, please visit our Replacement Parts category. If you don't find your part listed, please email our Consumer Relations team.

Recycle Batteries Responsibly

Many of our products use batteries. Please dispose of batteries properly in accordance to all city, state, and country laws. Visit to find a location near you where you can dispose of your batteries.

Bathroom Scales

For support for your Homedics Bathroom Scale, please visit Taylor Precision Products, which is now servicing all Homedics-branded bathroom scales. Or call Taylor at 1.866.843.3905.

Black & Decker

For support for your Black & Decker product, please call us at 1.800.297.5028.