Welcome to Week 1! Start your wellness journey with 7 simple tips to refresh your self-care routine.


Welcome to Week 1! Start your wellness journey with 7 simple tips to refresh your self-care routine.


Welcome to Week 1! Start your wellness journey with 7 simple tips to refresh your self-care routine.

Week 1: Take Care of Your Mind & Body

It’s time to reimagine our daily wellness routines by committing to simple, daily habits we can (and want to) continue throughout the year. From setting a sleep routine to finding gratitude for yourself, the following tips will offer support and guidance along your journey.



A healthy mind begins with a healthy sleep routine. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, it can lead to stress, bad moods, and dropped levels of productivity and awareness. The Mayo Clinic has a few steps to get the most out of your sleep:

  • Set a sleep goal for how many hours you want to get each night (no less than 7 hours)
  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Set aside some time before bed to ease yourself to sleep

    Each of the following habits will improve your nightly sleep schedule as well.



When it comes to the goal of eating healthy, we’re not talking about ridiculous crash diets—we’re talking about eating the rainbow and refreshing the way we look at food. According to the Mayo Clinic, a poor diet can lead to stress, lack of productivity, headaches, and a lack of good sleep.


This past year has likely been tough on all of our diets, from the stress eating to the stress wine drinking and bread-baking boredom that some of us fell into. We know it can be hard to get out of the funk and start eating the occasional apple and salad again, but you don’t have to do it alone. Find a healthy-eating partner—whether they live with you or they’re your fitness buddy—just make sure to keep each other on track.

The first step is to start stocking our fridges and pantries with healthy, colorful, whole foods that nourish our bodies so we can continue to have the energy we need to stay active. Once your fridge is stocked, try to eat at least one fruit or veggie at each meal. To take it a step further, find a healthy recipe cookbook or online recipes that are easy to follow at home. A few of our favorite recipe spots are the NYT Cooking app and the website, Eating Well.



As we eat healthy, it’s important to make sure we’re hydrating our bodies as well. Doctors recommend drinking about 15 cups of water per day to keep us levelheaded and our energy levels up—especially if one of your goals is to exercise or move your body more.



Another important aspect of staying mentally and physically healthy is breath work. On top of helping you deal with stress, the Mayo Clinic notes that it’s a great way to get more in touch with your mind, body, and spirit. Breathing can also be used to anchor you to your present moment, as well as guiding your thoughts from negative to positive. On top of getting in touch with your mind, certain breathing exercises have the ability to heighten your levels of alertness, oxygen flow, and help your body release toxins easier. Whether you meditate, practice yoga, or practice more intense breathing exercises like the Wim Hof Method, it’s important to find what breath work is right for you and practice it daily to keep your mind, body, and spirit sharp.

Shop air purifiers



A goal many people write down at the beginning of the year (including us) is to be more active. Due to the incredible benefits you gain from moving your body—from improved sleep to a healthier immune system to sharpening your thinking, learning, and judgment abilities—staying fit is an important goal for nearly everyone.

With many places being closed or partially open, it can be a challenge to partner up with friends to hold each other accountable, which makes it even harder to stick with a consistent workout routine. We’ve put together a list of our go-to online locations to help you find free or inexpensive virtual workouts. The best part is you can stream them with a friend so you still have a workout partner, even if they’re virtual, too!

Keep in mind, a traditional fitness class isn’t the only way to stay active. Find what works for you, whether you take a 10-minute walk around your neighborhood, enjoy a weekly hike on your favorite trail, spend the afternoon gardening, or dance around your apartment to your latest quarantine playlist. What’s important is that you live your well and keep track of your goals!



Remember to stretch before and after your workout (or anytime you need a quick refresh), whether you touch your toes, get into downward dog, or stretch your arms to the sky, make sure you’re taking your active lifestyle to the next level by keeping your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. According to Harvard Health, stretching should be done on a regular basis to protect your body while exercising.

Shop stretching mats



While all of these goals offer ways to love yourself, it’s important to set aside a few moments each day to find gratitude for yourself and the journey you're on. Give yourself a break from eating the rainbow to enjoy a glass of wine or a delicious dessert recipe that you’ve had your eye (stomach) on. Reset your goal timelines so they’re more manageable for you. Simply take a nap. No matter what you choose to do, just be sure to take care of yourself and end the negative self-reflection.

Week 1: Take Care of Your Mind & Body

It’s time to reimagine our daily wellness routines by committing to simple, daily habits we can (and want to) continue throughout the year. From setting a sleep routine to finding gratitude for yourself, the following tips will offer support and guidance along your journey.



A healthy mind begins with a healthy sleep routine. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, it can lead to stress, bad moods, and dropped levels of productivity and awareness. The Mayo Clinic has a few steps to get the most out of your sleep:

  • Set a sleep goal for how many hours you want to get each night (no less than 7 hours)
  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Set aside some time before bed to ease yourself to sleep

    Each of the following habits will improve your nightly sleep schedule as well.



When it comes to the goal of eating healthy, we’re not talking about ridiculous crash diets—we’re talking about eating the rainbow and refreshing the way we look at food. According to the Mayo Clinic, a poor diet can lead to stress, lack of productivity, headaches, and a lack of good sleep.


This past year has likely been tough on all of our diets, from the stress eating to the stress wine drinking and bread-baking boredom that some of us fell into. We know it can be hard to get out of the funk and start eating the occasional apple and salad again, but you don’t have to do it alone. Find a healthy-eating partner—whether they live with you or they’re your fitness buddy—just make sure to keep each other on track.

The first step is to start stocking our fridges and pantries with healthy, colorful, whole foods that nourish our bodies so we can continue to have the energy we need to stay active. Once your fridge is stocked, try to eat at least one fruit or veggie at each meal. To take it a step further, find a healthy recipe cookbook or online recipes that are easy to follow at home. A few of our favorite recipe spots are the NYT Cooking app and the website, Eating Well.



As we eat healthy, it’s important to make sure we’re hydrating our bodies as well. Doctors recommend drinking about 15 cups of water per day to keep us levelheaded and our energy levels up—especially if one of your goals is to exercise or move your body more.



Another important aspect of staying mentally and physically healthy is breath work. On top of helping you deal with stress, the Mayo Clinic notes that it’s a great way to get more in touch with your mind, body, and spirit. Breathing can also be used to anchor you to your present moment, as well as guiding your thoughts from negative to positive. On top of getting in touch with your mind, certain breathing exercises have the ability to heighten your levels of alertness, oxygen flow, and help your body release toxins easier. Whether you meditate, practice yoga, or practice more intense breathing exercises like the Wim Hof Method, it’s important to find what breath work is right for you and practice it daily to keep your mind, body, and spirit sharp.

Shop air purifiers



A goal many people write down at the beginning of the year (including us) is to be more active. Due to the incredible benefits you gain from moving your body—from improved sleep to a healthier immune system to sharpening your thinking, learning, and judgment abilities—staying fit is an important goal for nearly everyone.

With many places being closed or partially open, it can be a challenge to partner up with friends to hold each other accountable, which makes it even harder to stick with a consistent workout routine. We’ve put together a list of our go-to online locations to help you find free or inexpensive virtual workouts. The best part is you can stream them with a friend so you still have a workout partner, even if they’re virtual, too!

Keep in mind, a traditional fitness class isn’t the only way to stay active. Find what works for you, whether you take a 10-minute walk around your neighborhood, enjoy a weekly hike on your favorite trail, spend the afternoon gardening, or dance around your apartment to your latest quarantine playlist. What’s important is that you live your well and keep track of your goals!



Remember to stretch before and after your workout (or anytime you need a quick refresh), whether you touch your toes, get into downward dog, or stretch your arms to the sky, make sure you’re taking your active lifestyle to the next level by keeping your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. According to Harvard Health, stretching should be done on a regular basis to protect your body while exercising.

Shop stretching mats



While all of these goals offer ways to love yourself, it’s important to set aside a few moments each day to find gratitude for yourself and the journey you're on. Give yourself a break from eating the rainbow to enjoy a glass of wine or a delicious dessert recipe that you’ve had your eye (stomach) on. Reset your goal timelines so they’re more manageable for you. Simply take a nap. No matter what you choose to do, just be sure to take care of yourself and end the negative self-reflection.

Week 1: Take Care of Your Mind & Body

It’s time to reimagine our daily wellness routines by committing to simple, daily habits we can (and want to) continue throughout the year. From setting a sleep routine to finding gratitude for yourself, the following tips will offer support and guidance along your journey.



A healthy mind begins with a healthy sleep routine. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, it can lead to stress, bad moods, and dropped levels of productivity and awareness. The Mayo Clinic has a few steps to get the most out of your sleep:

  • Set a sleep goal for how many hours you want to get each night (no less than 7 hours)
  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Set aside some time before bed to ease yourself to sleep

Each of the following habits will improve your nightly sleep schedule as well.



When it comes to the goal of eating healthy, we’re not talking about ridiculous crash diets—we’re talking about eating the rainbow and refreshing the way we look at food. According to the Mayo Clinic, a poor diet can lead to stress, lack of productivity, headaches, and a lack of good sleep.


This past year has likely been tough on all of our diets, from the stress eating to the stress wine-drinking and bread-baking boredom that some of us fell into. We know it can be hard to get out of the funk and start eating the occasional apple and salad again, but you don’t have to do it alone. Find a healthy-eating partner—whether they live with you or they’re your fitness buddy—just make sure to keep each other on track.

The first step is to start stocking our fridges and pantries with healthy, colorful, whole foods that nourish our bodies so we can continue to have the energy we need to stay active. Once your fridge is stocked, try to eat at least one fruit or veggie at each meal. To take it a step further, find a healthy recipe cookbook or online recipes that are easy to follow at home. A few of our favorite recipe spots are the NYT Cooking app and the website, Eating Well.



As we eat healthy, it’s important to make sure we’re hydrating our bodies as well. Doctors recommend drinking about 15 cups of water per day to keep us levelheaded and our energy levels up—especially if one of your goals is to exercise or move your body more.



Another important aspect of staying mentally and physically healthy is breath work. On top of helping you deal with stress, the Mayo Clinic notes that it’s a great way to get more in touch with your mind, body, and spirit. Breathing can also be used to anchor you to your present moment, as well as guiding your thoughts from negative to positive. On top of getting in touch with your mind, certain breathing exercises have the ability to heighten your levels of alertness, oxygen flow, and help your body release toxins easier. Whether you meditate, practice yoga, or practice more intense breathing exercises like the Wim Hof Method, it’s important to find what breath work is right for you and practice it daily to keep your mind, body, and spirit sharp.

Shop air purifiers



A goal many people write down at the beginning of the year (including us) is to be more active. Due to the incredible benefits you gain from moving your body—from improved sleep to a healthier immune system to sharpening your thinking, learning, and judgment abilities—staying fit is an important goal for nearly everyone.

With many places being closed or partially open, it can be a challenge to partner up with friends to hold each other accountable, which makes it even harder to stick with a consistent workout routine. We’ve put together a list of our go-to online locations to help you find free or inexpensive virtual workouts. The best part is you can stream them with a friend so you still have a workout partner, even if they’re virtual, too!

Keep in mind, a traditional fitness class isn’t the only way to stay active. Find what works for you, whether you take a 10-minute walk around your neighborhood, enjoy a weekly hike on your favorite trail, spend the afternoon gardening, or dance around your apartment to your latest quarantine playlist. What’s important is that you live your well and keep track of your goals!



Remember to stretch before and after your workout (or anytime you need a quick refresh), whether you touch your toes, get into downward dog, or stretch your arms to the sky, make sure you’re taking your active lifestyle to the next level by keeping your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. According to Harvard Health, stretching should be done on a regular basis to protect your body while exercising.

Shop stretching mats



While all of these goals offer ways to love yourself, it’s important to set aside a few moments each day to find gratitude for yourself and the journey you're on. Give yourself a break from eating the rainbow to enjoy a glass of wine or a delicious dessert recipe that you’ve had your eye (stomach) on. Reset your goal timelines so they’re more manageable for you. Simply take a nap. No matter what you choose to do, just be sure to take care of yourself and end the negative self-reflection.

21 DAYS, 21 TIPS

See the entire 21-Day Refresh plan and get ready for next week